The Older I Get The Smarter My Dad Gets


                                  Nederland Colorado sunset

IMG_4895.JPGI can tell you that if you’re young and you don’t understand the title of this entry..someday you will.

Where I grew up (Northern Alberta Canada) folks marry young and for the most part stay married. As a kid I knew what divorce but hadn’t really experienced it first hand. My mother and father are still married after forty plus years and I couldn’t even fathom the idea of the two of them being apart.

Hunter and Mylee young.jpgMe,…I’ve been married three times(third times a charm). I’ve been with my wife Krista for over eleven years and we have two children together. If you’re a regular Rant reader you’ve met them.

<—–Hunter and Mylee when they were little.

I also have a daughter from my first marriage who’s all grown up doing her own thing.

Her mother and I were divorced shortly after she was born and I didn’t have any children with my second wife.

So for most of my oldest daughter’s life I played long distance dad. That wasn’t a whole lot of fun and it’s not something I advise doing if you can help it. Sh-it happens we all have a past.

In my opinion raising children is by far the hardest thing we do in our lives. For eighteen years (or more) you have the responsibility of totally caring for another human being or in my case beings.

Caring for a child consists of many things such as providing food, shelter, clothes, encouragement, protection, discipline and teaching. Teaching your children values, manners, respect and most importantly love and compassion.

There’s no manual for raising children so what and how you teach has to come from your heart or your own personal experiences. We don’t want our children to make the same mistakes we did growing up so we try to give them the benefit of our wisdom.

The problem is when you’re under twenty five years old your hearing hasn’t fully developed.

dad and grandpa.jpg<——–My dad  and my late Grandpa.

I’ll explain,….by that I mean the precious nuggets of wisdom that are passed on from the older generation to the younger generation are not fully comprehended. Those words of wisdom may have been heard, even batted around inside their head, but at that age it just doesn’t sink in.

 It’s hard to listen while wearing an I-pod and texting.

                                 “Remember son, …The older you get the smarter I get“.

I was tough on my parents. I was the oldest in my family and everything I did was uncharted territory for them. I often thought to myself that my parents had no clue what it was like to be a kid. Most times I felt they didn’t understand the pressures of being an eleven year old American in a Canadian High School.

How could they know how hard it was to fit in school when you’re a foreigner with a speech impediment. (I used to have a bad stutter, now…not so much J ). From that experience I learned your have to confront and conquer your fears or the world will eat you up.

One thing about my pops is he was always clear with his expectations and my would rarely if ever back down from something he said or a rule that he had set.

 In the real world they call that standing your ground.

                                 “Remember son,…The older you get the smarter I get”.

My father taught me how to respect my elders, how to take pride in what you do by doing a good job the first time, how to stick to my guns and never back down and to always do what you say you’re going to do. He also taught me how to hunt, camp, and tell a good story.

Yes his methods may have not been the way that I choose to do things but as I mentioned earlier, there is no manual for raising kids.

                                            I get it now pops…It all makes sense.

                                 I’m D the Rockpile Ranter, and my dad’s a smart guy.Green Floppy Hat.JPG



    Wow! You are so eloquent, I’m always impressed with your writing! I have to say that as I read through it, I thought this story was going to have a sad ending. How thoughtful of you to write it while he’s still able to read it and appreciate it! Great job D, and I look forward to more from you! -Geri

  2. "D" The Rockpile Ranter

    LUVMYROX-Hi Joy and thank you. Sorry for the mix-up. Hope all is good with you and yours. Spring Training this year???
    HOLLY-Thanks and welcome to the Rant. I’ll be checking out your blog.
    QUEENGERI-That’s very kind, thanks. Next entry will be about the Barrel man..Hope all is good with you :)…D

  3. greg1969

    Great entry, Ranter, and I love the sunset photo at the top.
    I read on another blog that you are a veteran. My hat is off to you, and my thanks to you. I hope Veterans Day was special for you.
    Interesting, also, that you were blogging here about family. I thought about you and your daughter who had been missing when I saw your entry on that other blog. I hope your daughter is doing well, even if she does not want to be found. I am thinking and praying for you, and for her.
    Again, very good entry. Parenting ain’t easy, and we do find things out in retrospect many times, that parents do in fact get smarter as we get older. Take care, Ranter Don!


    It’s true brother. (but don’t tell dad that).

    Great post.

    Hey, I’m working on something for you. I hope to have it done this weekend. I’ll send it to you when finished.

  5. rockieluv

    Hey D,
    Wow, what a sunset and what a nice piece right before the Holidays. Life is tough but it’s important to remind ourselves of what’s good in our lives to help us make it through another day.
    Hope all is well in your world.


    Of course I liked the column….how often do your kids tell you that you were right?? Just maybe we (his mom and I) did something right too. Thanks for the words Rob…..


  7. yankeeholics

    I like your dads quote. Very fitting

    I am obviously very surprised ~ Brian Bruney on being traded to the Nationasl

    Brian Bruney to the Nationals for a PTBNL: Bruney was traded for a potential player to be named later. Reports have said that that is the Nationals Rule 5 draft pick. A few stars have come out of the Rul 5 draft including Johan Santana and Josh Hamilton. Not saying the Yankees will get someone like that but, there is always a chance. Trading Brian Bruney makes it even more space for the Yankees to sign a relief pitcher which is potentially a good thing.