The streak is broke, now I’m stoked

9/1/09                          Mets vs Rockies Game 1

 If you’ve never smoked before and you live in the front range of Colorado you were a smoker yesterday. The smoke from the California fires was thick and for once there wasn’t any rain to wash it away.

Hunter was with me today and we were ready for some batting practice. The weather has been cruel to us this season as far as batting practice goes.

            Hunter and I were itching to get in side and start scratching , catching some balls πŸ™‚IMG_3137.JPG

Hunter was the first to enter the Pavilion and I headed over to “my area”. By the time I reached “my area” there were a couple of younger dudes inhabiting it. I quickly found another spot. 

I looked over and saw Hunter running up to me all excited. He had just found his first Coors Field Easter egg.

Easter Egg = A ball just lying there when you get inside.

The ball was lying at the base of the pavilion and he was the first to stumble across it.
I’ve yet to find an easter egg.
I’m sure the Rockies knock several baseballs into the pavilion before they open the gates for Coors Field. I wonder what happens to those baseballs?

Do the Ushers keep them?

I’d be ok with that. Ushers stand for hours and get paid minimally.

Or do they just toss them back onto the field?

Maybe, if I ever discover the answer I’ll let you know. Another one of baseball’s mysteries.

As for me…”The Pavilion Poacher, “The Sultan of Snatch” I got diddly squat. I had play on several homers but the dude who initially adopted my spot ended up with my two.

I’ve noticed that none of you have commented on my hair πŸ™‚ I’m growing it for several reasons.

1. The economy. Haircuts are expensive.

2. I live in Nederland, it’s ok here.

3. Helton hasn’t cut his so I’m following his trend.

Thanks for not asking. I’ll be sure and keep you posted,…frequently πŸ™‚

Mile High welcome to Jason Giambi. Giambi had no hits tonight but was walked on his first and only at-bat.

                          I’ll keep the picture show short today.
 Carlos Gonzalez launched a ball into the second deck. He doesn’t look big enough to do that.IMG_3096.JPG
                                                                 The stretch.


Rockies taking the field.IMG_3143.JPG

The DEA is on to me so I’ve been having trouble finding quality crack for the “Coors Field Crack of the Game”. So I’ll have fill-in awards until more “Crack” is discovered.

                     The award for today’s game is for “The Best Use of Purple.

The next award is for the “Best Costume of the Game“. This dude was in the pavilion with a suit on. I can’t tell you how wrong that is.

    Next thing you know you’ll have the likes of me sitting in Club Level..ewwww!

IMG_3269.JPG         Quite possible the best picture I took tonight that didn’t come in a pair.IMG_3317.JPG

             Garrett Atkins,…. it wasn’t his fault the throw was way to late.IMG_3166.JPG

                                                     Yorvit TorealbaIMG_3168.JPG


                                            Superstar Seth Smith



                                             Captain Earthman

The tag on his shirt says “Tip me or die of thirst”. To quote
Earth’s own words…”Aint no sissy sippin here”  πŸ™‚
 The moon and stars were aligned tonight and the Rockies get the win over Mets at Coors in front of 26,190.
The majority of the crowd here tonight were glad to see this win. 


                  Remember folks it only takes one win to end a streak and begin a new one.IMG_3069.JPG

      Oh here’s one more…I call this video the “Coors Field Sprinkler Guy“.

                                                             You’re welcome πŸ™‚ 

                      It’s my job to keep you aware of the freaks of society…I love my job.

  My name is D The Rockpile Ranter. Coors Field is my 2nd home and nobody is safe.

                                             I’ll be at the Game 2 in a few hours..DGreen Floppy Hat.JPG  




  1. luvmyrox

    Ahh man. . . I was SO wishing I was there. What an awesome game. Cargo has turned into a completely different player, eh? Love it. They all looked so happy to get that win. I was so happy for them. :0)

    Awesome pics, as usual. Well, except for the purple one. I coulda done without that. Funny about the guy in the suit. I always get a kick out of watching old footage of games in the 50s and 60s, and all the guys wearing suits and hats. πŸ˜€

    Sorry I have not noticed your hair. I will certainly make it a point next time. πŸ˜€

  2. "D" The Rockpile Ranter

    R-LUV-I was serious but kidding on the hair.
    JULIA-As well she should, guys shouldn’t do the sprinkler. It looks stupid and serves no purpose πŸ™‚
    ELLIE-The helmet?? Clue me in here?…D

  3. happyyoungster

    Great stuff, as usual.
    Purple never looked so good. Do you think she’s looking down to make sure she didn’t lose anything? πŸ˜‰
    Looking forward to meeting you and the gang.

    BTW, I found my tix-see you soon.


  4. "D" The Rockpile Ranter

    ELLIE-Thanks, I finally saw it. What a joke.
    HAPPY-LOL, it will be cool to meet you brotha and watch you work Coors Field…D


    Just found this blog. Very entertaining, and love the photos.
    RE: easter eggs. Pavilion balls are normally left alone. When ushers find them before the gates open in other sections, they either keep them, save them for a kid coming into the game later, or hand them over to the supervisors to be recycled back into practice balls later. Sometimes they’re dropped into the bullpen or water feature, but dunno if that’s accidental or not.

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