Tom’s the Man…We ARE “The Fan”


The “Bring Helmer Back Now” Rally 

First of let me say that I will no longer refer to the Company that let Tom Helmer go as Root Sports, they will now be known on the Rant as “Poot Warts”.

The Helmer Rally was held at the Blake Street Tavern. I’m not sure why as the Blake is very PRO Poot Warts but they had no problem with us talking trash about Poot Warts while we were inside so no worries. Plus it was close to the Poot Warts offices and we had a plan.

It was a Rally so I made a sign.

Downstairs in the Blake Street Tavern is where we all met.

Emily made a screen saver for Tom expressing how she feels.

Tom liked it. 

James from 5280 Shirt Shop and Colin from the Southstands, the dudes who organized the Helmer Rally.

James donated 25 “Helmer is my Homeboy” T-Shirts for the Rally.

After a tiny bit of encouragement Tom was up on the Bar doing his thing.

 Tom took time to hang out, chat and pose for pictures with everyone who showed up.

Poop Warts…. Tom Helmer is one of a kind and he was ours. How foolish of you let him slip away.

Why did you do this to Rockies fans?

Who is the “genius” responsible for this decision?

 Why are we not hearing from that individual? Please explain, we deserve an explanation.

While standing up on the Bar, Helmer made a short heartfelt speech.

Tom with Emily and Dan of Bring Helmer Back NOW

Rox Addict chalking up another Running Man.

This season is going to suck without the Homeboy. He made a Rockies win that much better.

Poot Warts, I don’t like the way you roll.

 You don’t care at all about “The Fan”, that’s just a BS slogan someone came up with that you thought sounded good at the time.  A slogan you figured Rockies fans would believe. It sort of worked, at one time even I believed it.

Because of your lack of consideration for “The Fan” I’ve made it my mission(along with several other Rantics) to do everything we can to encourage Rockies fans to avoid your broadcast and totally diss your sponsors.

Now it’s up to you to prove to Rockies fans you care about “The Fan“. It’s not too late, this situation can still be reversed. I see you have Helmer’s job posted so that proves you didn’t even have anyone in mind when you made the snap decision to let him go.

People make mistakes I realize this. Step up, fix this one quick and all will be good in the world.

If not, and you continue to disrespect the Rockies fan base by ignoring us or by trying to appease us by replacing Helmer with some lower paid dullard…Then…

It’s ON Poot Warts…Let’s Play! 

This was how we left it, so they could get a good shot of it Monday morning.

Click below for an article written by Dusty Saunders of the Denver Post about Tom which mentions the Rally.

I’m “D” The Ranter and I’ll be listening to a lot of radio broadcasts in the future and we’ll be posting a list of Poot Warts sponsors so you can be sure to avoid them.

Or you can call Jamie McIntosh in Advertising at Poop Warts(720-898-2700) and let her know exactly why you’ll be avoiding their sponsors.

 They absolutely love supportive phone calls like that.



    • RANTER

      JUDY-I prefer the radio as well. Most of the games I miss I catch on the radio that way I can do other things. Nice meeting you at the Helmer Rally as well as a lot of the other folks who left comments. What a great group of Rockies fans and Helmer supporters! I’m finishing up a long stretch at work so I’ll have the list of sponsors up by Friday afternoon…”D”

      • Benny, the Brewer Fan

        Baseball in Milwaukee is great on the radio with Bob Uecker. Even in games when the Brewers are down by a lot, Bob makes it entertaining with jokes and stories.

  1. Marianne

    Hey D,
    Wish I could have made it Sunday.
    Definitely thinking of giving up watching Root Sports and listening to the game on the radio.

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