Say it Aint So…You Let Helmer Go?


You meet a lot of people in life.  Most leave no impression but every now and then you meet someone who leave a lasting impression. For me that was Tom Helmer.

I can’t say exactly when I first met Tom but my first really good memory of meeting him was at the Top of the Rockies show towards the end of 2010. When I wrote the blog entry about the show I mentioned how cool I thought it would be interview one of the ROOT SPORTS (FSN Rocky Mtn back then) folks.

Not long after Tom emailed me and told me he enjoyed reading the Rant and said he’d be happy to let me interview him. That blew me away and I was stoked because I figured Tom would be a smooth first interview for me because he’s so laid back.

Tom kept his word and on a cold snowy day in January the Rantics and I met Tom and his wife at Champps. The Rantics all hung out and Alanna X and I interviewed Tom.

 He was easy to talk and the two of them were a total class act.

After that Tom was an official “Rantic” and he solidified his place in the Rant as a stand-up guy.

Five years I’ve been blogging about the Rockies and Tom was the first one in Colorado Media to give me any props at all, thank you Tom.

Helmer “IS” the Rockies pre and post game.

Plus his “Tom on the Town” series is always fun to watch.

The kids and I won’t be  celebrating any Rockies wins post-game at the ROOT SPORTS desk this season, the only reason we’ll be there is to shout “Bring back Helmer” and you better believe the Rantics will be there in full force.

 Helmer was the best for getting the crowd going after a Rockies win and anyone else trying to do that post-game would seem cheap and insulting to Rockies fans who respect Helmer.

I can tell you that I was extremely pro ROOT SPORTS at the beginning of last season. I bought in and plugged their new theme …”The Fan”.

Ok ROOT SPORTS time to put your money where you mouth is. “The Fans” you reference want Tom Helmer back…NOW!. He’s the heart and soul of your broadcast team and Rockies fans WILL suffer in his absence.

ROOT SPORTS you have totally misjudged the impact Helmer has on the Rockies fan base.

I’m not sure What direction ROOT SPORTS is headed but if it doesn’t include Tom Helmer I don’t need a map to tell you they’re going the wrong way.

Helmer was so cool he even had his own T-Shirts made and distributed them to fans for a good part of last season. Me being the original homeboy I got the first one.

Tom Helmer and Rockpile Ranter SRF.jpg

I have nothing against the rest of the crew at ROOT SPORTS I like them, but none of them have close to the personality and charisma that Helmer has. Plus who the hell wants to see the Cowboy up on the desk after a Rockies win. Not me, that’s just scary.

Here’s Tom on 850 KOA talking about the whole thing  on 2-9-12

Stand up Rockies fans, help our “Homeboy”. Do the right thing and let ROOT SPORTS know how you feel about this mess.

Here’s a link to their Facebook page: ROOT SPORTS..Rocky Mountain

Or you can email directly by clicking here: ROOT SPORTS Rocky Mountain email.

Please show your support for Tom by Liking the Facebook page Dan Created: Bring Helmer Back NOW

And Don’t miss the Save Helmer Fan Rally on Sunday at 2pm at the Blake Street Tavern. Then we march to Coors Field is support of “The Homeboy”.

I’m “D” The Ranter and ROOT SPORTS seems more like BOOT SPORTS to me right now.


  1. Joy

    Haha. Sorry, D. I just realized you’d posted that email at the bottom. Oh well, you can’t see that email too many times. Go for it, Rantics! 😉

  2. Marianne

    UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! Root Sports without Helmer? WTF are they thinking? You know I’ll be sending them an email. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Ken

    Bummer to see that Root Sports are letting Helmer go. He was always fan friendly. Hopefully the next two people they bring in to replace Helmer and Rizzo will be just as fan friendly. Way to stick up for your Homeboy!

  4. Brooke

    Sent my email off to them immediately….stupid Root Sports trying to pull the rug from under the fans feet. Don’t they know about social media now?
    Hoping the fan base gets really fired up about this….make some noise peeps!!!

  5. Heather

    Dumbest call made by Roots Sports to date. I have emailed, called and posted on their fb page. I would love to be at the rally but cannot drive in from GJ. Love ya Tom!

  6. Rhianna

    I am so disappointed by what ROOT has done. I have emailed and posted on their Facebook. Tom is such a great guy and although I have never had the chance to meet him in person, his love of the Rockies and the fans makes me feel like I have know him for years!

  7. Gary X

    As an original Homeboy, this one just stabbed me right in the heart. I’ve been to many of the events D has done with Helmer and for Helmer to come out and spend HIS time with our lovable band of nutz — that just says something beyond just “Wow, he’s a good sportscaster.” I do note that ROOT SPORTS is remaining MUM about this…mebbe they hope if we shut up, we’ll go away? HA!

  8. Joy

    I posted yesterday, but I’ll post again, since this is still such a heartbreaking thing for me. Tom has been great for ROOT, great for the Rox, and great for the fans. I appreciate him taking time to meet the Rantics last year, and always being friendly and helpful when I’ve talked to him since. I’m not giving up on making ROOT see the ridiculousness of this whole thing.

  9. lordneroku

    It’s going to terrible this year as a Rockies fan when it comes to TV. Tom Helmer was the heart and soul of so many things Rockies. I hope Root Sports fixes their mistake. This was the first post of yours that I’ve read, and I’m very interested in seeing more from you. Go Rockies!!

  10. Erin

    I spent many late nights with my sons watching the post game show at the park. He always made the Rockies WIN that much better!

  11. Brittany

    Win or lose, one of the most entertaining parts of the game was the post game show and that was solely because of Helmer. No sense can be made of Root’s decision, but hopefully they will see the error they have made and do something to remedy the situation. Helmer rocks!

  12. kip

    My memories of Tom are comprised of the nightly trek from section 142 to the his set in hopes of grabbing a “Helmer is my homeboy” t-shirt and relishing every moment of his now infamous table rocking. A good man and a true friend of the fan, Tom is already greatly missed. I hope beyond hope that Boot Sports rights this egregious wrong.

  13. Diane

    Tom is the voice of the fans for the Rockies. His talent is hard to come by. ROOT’s bad decision will be someone elses good fortune. BAD, BAD call on the part of ROOT Sports.

  14. Don Morse

    We need to emphasize to Root Sports that we will not support the advertisers that choose to buy time pre and post game, and will write those advertisers as a protest. We all need to keep on this and not forget as Tom said would happen when he was on KOA today. Also need to get media coverage on Sunday.

  15. Cameron

    Best line in the article: Plus who the hell wants to see the Cowboy up on the desk after a Rockies win. Not me, that’s just scary.

  16. Ben crane

    Thems Tix are mine!!!!! But really…I love Tom and will miss him alot!! I’ve already hounded Root sports for their dumb decision. Best of luck to Helmer…you really are our homeboy.

  17. Kyle R

    I think the thing I loved most about this is talking about what a good guy Tom was…I saw him on Blake Street once before a game and he stopped and had a genuine conversation with us….it was awesome. I loved going to center field after games and celebrating with Tom and it’s a complete shame he’s gone…root sucks

    by the way, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you at a bunch of rockies games “rockpile ranter”….haha

    • Douglas Boyle

      I moved to Denver 6 years ago, Tom Helmer is all I know in Rockies Pre and Post game broadcasts. He is an integral part of every broadcast, he is a broadcaster and not an analyst he makes the facts and stats fun and no matter how bad the loss he kept things light and in perspective and we all know how he could bring the enthusiasm to a win.

      But what you touched on that hits home is how genuine he is and fun to be around. On a couple of occasions he sent me private Twitter messages in response to my tweets, I immediately felt important and blessed. Then I realized he is just a regular guy dealing with the same problems as the rest of us. So it really hit me hard when he announces his dismissal from ROOT.

  18. Nick Hernandez

    Big mistake by Root Sports….Tom was a class act….His energy and fan interaction is 2nd to none. My 4 yr old boy got to dance with him on the post game show a couple times last year and when I told him Tom wasn’t coming back he asked “well who am I going to get to dance with when the Rockies win.” Hope to be able to make Sunday!!

  19. RANTER

    That’s what I’m talking about Rockies Fans!!!. I’m gonna quote Don from above:
    “We need to emphasize to Root Sports that we will not support the advertisers that choose to buy time pre and post game, and will write those advertisers as a protest. We all need to keep on this and not forget as Tom said would happen when he was on KOA today. Also need to get media coverage on Sunday.”
    Don is exactly right, I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Blake Street Tavern on Sunday at 2pm. This is our shot to be heard and we need to make the most of it. Bring your signs, bring your Homeboy spirit and lets show ROOT SPORTS we are “The Fan” have a voice. I can’t imagine a post game win without Helmer there gett’n the crowd into it. BRING HELMER BACK NOW…”D”

  20. Katie

    I was upset when Alanna announced her decision to leave, but I completely understand her reasoning and it’s going to be a great move for her. But Helmer? Just like you conveyed in your post, he’s one of the guys. He’s easily accessible in person, on Twitter, etc, and he’s a good guy. He’s SO fun to watch and his humor and knowledge add so much to the broadcasts. BAD MOVE ROOT SPORTS.

  21. Sherrie

    I’ve emailed ROOT Sports, but don’t expect a response. I don’t think they care. The only way is if we really truly stand up and show them by action not just talk. I live in GJ and can’t get away this weekend, but will be there in spirit. If there are more rallys I’m hoping I can make plans to be there though!

  22. Krista

    I am EXTREMELY disappointed with ROOT’s decision. Tom Helmer is a great man and a great television personality. With this decision, I believe ROOT is completely shooting themselves in the foot. Bring Helmer back!!!!!!

  23. Kandis Tomlinson

    With the turnover in players it is nice to see familiar faces reporting and commenting, keeping me up with what is going on. Tom Helmer helps to keep the Rockies “The Rockies” just by being there, and being so good at it. Sorry to see him go.

  24. Eric Brown

    Tom IS Rockies baseball broadcasts. If Root Sports has any brains they’ll reconsider and bring him back. The fans love him. Not sure if this is budgetary or if they want fresh faces. But Rockies games will not be the same without Tom Helmer. I support #saveHelmer

  25. Kim Sherwood

    Helmer is one of the best sideline/color guys in the business. He could soften the blow of even the worst loss. My family and I would watch the rerun of the game after a night at Coors Field just to hear what Helmer and the Cowboy had to say.

  26. Austin

    This is upsetting. ROOTSports Rocky Mountain had an amazing year in 2011. Great production, commentators and crew. I loved them all, Cowboy, Frazier, Alanna, Huey, Mark Stout, Drew Goodman and especially Mr. Tom Helmer! ROOTSports needs to “Cowboy up” and ask Tom Helmer back! I don’t have to have my head where the sun don’t shine, to know they are headed in the wrong direction with a bad call like this. Upset and frustrated ROX fan… And the “Year of the fan” hasn’t even started yet… C’mon man!

  27. Kristine DeWitt

    It’s not about people anymore, its about money. I for one will not enjoy the root sports broadcast team this year. They are getting rid or letting go of the good ones.

  28. Sara

    I too am beyond disappointed in Root Sports for letting Tom go. He is a classy guy, fun to watch, and enjoyable and personable to be around. I do not understand their reasoning in letting him go, he was the bright spot in the otherwise “stiff” Root broadcasting team. Please, please reconsider Root. Obviously the fans want Helmer!

  29. Jonathan Foos

    It’s already been said, but Helmer was THE reason to watch the postgame shows. After a Rockies home win I would honestly stay on through the whole postgame just to see him get up on that table and cheer with the fans.

    Helmer has a rare gift in sportscasting in that he is loved by the fans, and it clearly shows that he loves the fans as well. He takes the time to talk to them and take photos with them.

    How many other sports networks can you name that have fan gatherings around their booth every time the team wins, just so their sportscaster can get up on the table and cheer with them?

    Well, ROOT, looks like you won’t be one of those networks anymore.

    • RANTER

      JONATHAN-I’m with ya brotha, that’s why I hung out afterwards. A lot of times I sacrificed sleep(I work early am) just to see Helmer do his post-game thing…”D”

  30. RANTER

    ROOT SPORTS-Rockies fans have great memories and we’re not planning to let this one go. Anywhere you have a live broadcast during spring training or regular season Helmer fans will be in the background chanting “Bring Back Helmer”. The best thing we can do is show our force on Sunday. Great job Rockies fans keep it up this is really starting to get some attention..”D”

  31. Brenda

    Helmer is SOOO good at getting the fans fired up! Fans love him, so why is he gone? I don’t get it! He interacted with so many people….SHEESH. I’m going to unfollow all my Root twitter folks…..

  32. Claudia

    It’s great to see how much support is out there for Tom…he is able to bring so many more layers to his broadcasts…fun, engaging and REAL! Helmer is a keeper…powers that be at ROOT, clean out your ears and LISTEN to what the fans are saying.

  33. Kevin Kramer

    Enjoy reading the posts and the efforts to get Root to reconsider its AWFUL decision. I just moved out of Denver a few months back and was looking forward to staying connected to the team via MLB Extra innings. I will be sure to watch the non-Rockies feed if they don’t get Tom back. He was very entertaining and a class act. A true fan and not even in the prime of his career, so whatever organization snaps him up, will be lucky to have him and his one of a kind energy. Please keep up the efforts to get him back. Wish I could join you on Sunday.

  34. Scott

    Tom will be missed he related so well to the everyday fan with his enthusiasm and passion for the Rockies. The pre-game and post-game shows won’t be the same without him. Hopefully Root will realize their mistakes and correct it, they’re in danger of losing a lot of viewers if they don’t.

  35. Abbey irvine

    I’m going to miss Tom! My husband and I have watched nearly every Rockies game over the last two years and have really enjoyed his commentary. I was shocked when I heard Root sports let him go, I hope they reconsider. We thought him and drew and alanna madea great team!

  36. jordan

    This year isnt going to be the same without helmer! I wish him nothing but the best, and hopefully i can get to the rally! Root made a huge mistake and im boycotting the pre and post game shows unless tom is back!

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